Outrageous Media Virtual FX

This is our Digital Downloads Store
For Digital Downloads you can buy them right here next to each of the products listed. If you would like to buy USB flash drive version, please also purchase the USB upgrade item at the TOP of the products on this page [I will have it up soon]. When I get it up, the USB upgrade item will be an item you also purchase HERE to cover the added cost of SHIPPING plus the USB FLASH DRIVE. I should mention, the downloads are the same file type, and will eventually be THEE only option [just like All Stock Video companies, downloads only]
We discontinued the shopping cart here for our "physical products", such as DVDs, Projector Kits, USB flash drives, rear screens because NOBODY buys these from our website, because they don't like the WIX shopping Cart. All the sales of physical items happens are either done by emailing me or by shopping at the following primary resellers of ours:
https://www.bonanza.com/booths/JonH633 [is my own store, similar to the previous Etsy store]
Click on the BUY NOW under FX Pictures to purchase MPEG4 file versions of the FX Product. Purchases for downloads are done separately from DVDs, on our Payloadz-Holiday Projection Site [for technical reasons]. NOTE: Downloads are LOWER in price than DVDs because they require NO STAFF LABOR to fill your order. When you order you will make your purchase, then receive an email link, you click on it, and open up a page of the Digital Files to Download. We suggest downloading 4 at a time to avoid Crashing your PC. Then download more, until you have them all. ALL FILES ARE COPYRIGHTED, please don't share them, they are for your personal use only!
I admit that I have made errors on occasion, and I will graciously fix them when pointed out to me. There have been times when certain items/pictures/buy buttons, etc either VANISH from the site or slide around the screen. "NO, I don't know why any of this happens, but please give me a chance to fix it, by calling it to my attention. Thanks, Jon Hyers


PROFX Video Projector and 9+ Visual Effects Clips included on a USB Thumbdrive. 4th of July, Halloween, Christmas. This Projector is a JON HYERS MORRIS COSTUMES feature Product: $160.00

VIRTUAL 3D SNAKES: $10.00 Digital Download Only - Make the Illusion of 3D Snakes that crawl on a cement floor, table, white sheetrock, foamboard. View at an angle, like seen in the photo, it does look 3D.
SAMPLE Go ahead and give it a try on your floor or table. This Product has a Free Trial Sample, so you can test it out first.
$10.00 2016 - 3D SNAKES: 2, 3, AND 4... 3D Snakes Appear and crawl out of view

CRAWLING SKELETONS: $40.00 DVD version. Huge and Large Skeletons climb walls, a stunning effect. 12 Scenes, repeated with soft spotlight effect. Project on Wall, Roof, Buildings. This is the "initial version" of this video, given at a reduced price. SKELETON INVASION is the full version.
Download $11.09

floats around the darkness emitting vapor and ectoplasm as she moves around, and GRABS at you in some sections. This Download Pack Contains a Vertical and Horizontal Version, plus a number of other versions with Fog Backgrounds, and variations on the Brightness of the Ghost, 4 Different Scenes
Demo Video Coming as soon as
Download $10.09

Another custom effects job, we now sell to the public. The Witch is a Supreme Product, many different witch scenes, 1+ witches, doing spells, and flying around on a broom. Check out the new scenes included on the 2016 redo of this product, by watching the 2nd youtube demo video....
Download $10.09

Updated 2020, Now 17 FX including a custom candle effect, single and multiple candles floating inside blackness, or castle interiors, or against a stone wall. And a couple of Bonus Wizard Scenes from Magic and Wizards, 2012. MP4 Video, SD, 4:3 image size.
Download $10.00
This Demo video only shows one of the shots, because I have not completed a full demo. Don't know when...

DARK ANGEL: $25.00
This Magical Dark Angel flys in darkness, emerges from a Cemetery, 5 different angle looks, multiple movements.
Coming as soon as I convert the videos to MP4

Coming as soon as I convert the videos to MP4
THE PIT AND THE PENDULUM: $30.00 A Man and Woman get sliced into a bloody smear all over the Virtual Glass. A recreation of the old movie of the same title. Again, great fun!

SKULLS GOOFY DECOR: $15.00: A series of CGI Skulls move around the screen, with Goofy Eyes. This animations is a Halloween Decoration Video, mean to be NOT scary.
I'm still working on the site, the items below will be back in operation asap...JON HYERS

TRICKER TREATERS GAG: $20.00, a very fun Front Door Gag for "Year Around" video projection fun. People appear to be knocking at your "Front Door", only to end up opening the Door into Terror. Great Fun.

EYES: $20.00 A variety of 1 - 20 eyes fly and appear in a variety of backgrounds, for adding spooky eyes to a scene or window view in a building